Bridging Science and Wisdom for Impact
Over 30 years ago, I developed a fascination exploring how to improve quality of life and performance. My curiosity led me down many paths, from sports therapy and conditioning to nutrition and positive psychology, pointing to promising techniques and strategies for optimal living. In 2011, experiencing severe burnout and on the edge of a nervous breakdown, I was struck with a new reality:
Working on ourselves or our “problems” isn’t helpful.
There is a deeper reality within us that holds vitality and clarity for us no matter what our life circumstances.
When our inner world of vitality is understood, we can go for what we want without the stress, overwhelm, and burnout we have innocently acquired. Sound too good or even woo woo? Over the past 30 years, I have discovered that
Science can validate what we can measure but can’t imagine the true capacities within us that aren’t measurable yet.
And it’s on this playground of pure possibility that life truly begins.
This is my joy: to help individuals, couples, and organizations genuinely realize that what they see as a possibility for themselves only reflects where they are currently looking.
When we can see from other vantage points, connect with our vitality, we reveal capacities within that allow us to be at home with ourselves, bring our best to each day, and have more life in our living.
Professional Bio:
Scott has spent over 30 years as a coach, mentor, and integrative health practitioner, assisting individuals in reconnecting to their innate health and well-being, improving performance, and living with clarity.
State-of-mind coaching is the foundation of his integrative health and well-being programs, and he has worked with professional athletes, Olympians, couples, families, teams, corporations, and individuals who want to live, work, perform, and play from their Zone Of Genius.
Scott is a dynamic and impactful presenter and teacher. He designs and delivers workshops and talks that give people a new and insightful understanding of their health, well-being, and potential.
Scott grew up on the tennis courts and soccer fields of Connecticut. He played NCAA soccer through college before he began mountain bike racing. Scott's health and athletic endeavors have taken him to the summit of Mt. Rainier in WA. State, several routes up Mt Shasta in CA, and months of trekking in Nepal, Patagonia, Chile, and Peru. Scott also enjoys bike touring and did a solo bike ride across the United States and a trip down the western coast. Scott now resides in Park City, UT where he plays in the mountains daily with his wife and two sons.
Education, Licenses, and Certifications
B.S Sports Therapy University of Vermont
B.S Education University of Vermont
Certified Positive Psychology (CiPP)
Pransky Three Principles Transformative Coach 2014
Certified Breath Work Coach and Facilitator
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN)
Advanced Metabolic Typing Advisor
Neurogistics Brain Wellness Practitioner
Board Certified Athletic Therapist (ATC)
Nationally Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Neuromuscular Therapist (NMT)
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Biomeridian Practitioner
CHEK Institute: Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist Lv III
CHEK Institute: Holistic Lifestyle Coach Lv III
“Here’s to bringing the PURE possibilities in you to life ”