Insight Breathwork Preparation
In this section we will explore using the breath for expanded states of consciousness, tapping into deeper levels of creativity, rebalancing the nervous system by releasing stagnant energy and learning to use the power of breathwork for a deep reset.
Begin your preparation for our time together by reviewing the following videos.
Please watch the next video (below), video number 4, if you have any of the following medical/health history. If you have any of the following, please email me so that we can discuss the modification that is right for you.
A history of:
Cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, use of a pace-maker, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery, persons with mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications, family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing vigorous Breathwork,
Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician and the Breathwork class facilitator. This work is deeply experiential. It may involve intense and energetic emotional release
During Your Insight Breathwork Session
Insight breathwork connects us to our deeper intelligence. The intelligence of our more profound knowing, the intelligence behind all of the functions of the physical body, the intelligence that knows who we are. We often lose connection with this deeper intelligence because of the business of our mind, the constant narration of our brain as it sees the outside work as a continuous line of problems to solve. Breathwork is a pathway to go beyond our busy minds and connect directly with the intelligence of who we are.
From this perspective, we can have a more profound clarity about our inner worlds and even provide a quieter space within to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally.
This type of breathwork may elicit strong physical or emotional releases. From our perspective, we are releasing energy that we, in the past, have innocently hung onto or could not release. As our deeper intelligence guides us from within, we can let go, release, and be free of emotional congestion, let go of physical blockages and allow for new insight, clarity, and perspective about ourselves and what's possible.
Every Insight breathwork journey is different and will offer you the experience that is possible at the moment of the session. This is why it is vital to come to each session without expectation or comparison of any past breathwork session.
Insight Breathwork Journeys may provide many types of experiences. Below, I will explore four areas that may be experienced, including Brain Activity, Physical Sensations, Emotional Activity, and Wisdom Activation.
Brain Activity: Initially, when we breathe, the mind may become more active, especially if this is your first time. After a few minutes, the brain calms down and becomes quieter. During the session, it is common to experience transient hypo frontalis or the quieting of the "monkey mind". Our inner critic, the commentator of our life, or the "TSA Agent" looking at life as a constant threat becomes quiet. This experience is normal and natural, allowing us to drop deeply into our bodies and connect with the intelligence behind our lives.
When our session is over, your brain will be re-activated. Still, you may have a more profound respect and connection with the unconditional inner intelligence within and allow its presence in your life more often.
Physical Reactions: During your breathwork session, you will most likely experience the following:
tingling in the hands, feet, face, or anywhere else in the body.
You may experience an intense buzzing within.
Some people experience tetany or temporary cramping in the hands, feet, or sometimes facial muscles.
changes in body temperature- hot to cold to hot etc.
These are all common and are temporary and will disappear when your breathing returns to normal.
We encourage you to be with and allow the experience. There is nothing to resist. Allowing the experience enables us to move through and release "stuck" or unprocessed energy.
Please note that at ANY time you feel that your experience is too intense, you can slow your breathing, switch to breathing through your nose, and remove your eyemask if you are wearing one.
Emotional Release: When we breathe, we often open emotional centers within. It is not uncommon to stir old emotions, emotions that want to be free of your body, emotions that no longer serve you. As our brains are quiet, there is an opportunity for these emotions to come through without the judgment of the inner critic.
Our inner intelligence puts forward emotions we are ready to let go of that our brain may not have allowed in the past. Again, we encourage being with whatever arises without resistance. Allowing and moving through provides the space for clarity, new insights, and perspective.
Wisdom/Inner Intelligence: This breathwork connects us to our inner wisdom or the intelligence within. We can often have the experience of feeling expanded, clarity, or experience fresh insights and perspectives to come through. This is a time to be with this inner source and allow the connection to deepen.
As stated above, this breathwork is guided from within. We can trust that whatever is coming forward, physically, mentally, or emotionally, is being put forward by our inner guidance and ready to release. Trusting our inner guidance, we can allow the experience to move through and discover clarity. The inner intelligence of each of us unconditionally has our back on our journey.
Setting Up Your Breathing Space
You will be lying down or, if you need to, reclined in a chair. We recommend the following when setting up your space:
Strong internet connection
Good quality headphones
It is best to breathe on an empty stomach. Please refrain from eating 1.5-2 hours before the start of the session
A quiet space where you won't be interrupted
A mat on the floor or a bed
Blanket- you will most likely experience temperature changes during your session.
A small pillow to support the head if needed.
An eye mask to create full darkness.
A journal and pen